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lipo foam pads

Title: lipo foam pads
Description: SMOOTH COMPRESSION FOR POST SURGERY SUPPORT The use of foam post-surgery flattens the pores and skin evenly and offers compression which will limit bruising, decrease swelling, soak up fluids, and grant relief and increased recovery, post-surgery. With the use of lipo foam sheets, you will experience and see a distinction in your pain, discomfort, image, and results. Our soft, bendy post-surgery aids are made in China with Medical-grade polyurethane publish lipo foam. They are absorbent, for the first few days after surgical treatment & add more compression. The pads are 1/2” thick, 8” via 11”. We propose buying 5 or extra sheets at a time. Additional padding from lipo foam can be extraordinarily useful when sporting your section 1 compression healing sleepwear. Proper compression, sanitation & relaxation are KEY STEPS in the surgical treatment process